Management of change

Partner with HPE to achieve your people-centric digital transformation.
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HPE Management of Change

Partner with the people experts for your technology transformation

Technology and processes make your business function, but it is people that make your business thrive. HPE Management of Change Services (MoC) delivers a people-centric approach to successful IT transformation.
We mitigate the risk in IT change by reducing resistance, accelerating adoption of new technologies, and promoting innovative ways of working. We safeguard your IT transformation journey by ensuring your people are enabled, aligned, and on board every step of the way.
With the MoC framework and scalable pre-defined services, organizations deliver successful and sustainable IT change—empowering you to make the best use of technology and drive your business forward.
Let's discuss how we can support your people through your digital transformation.

    We focus on three change domains

    • Management of Change: Culture and behaviors

      Culture and behaviors

      Build a positive user experience and decrease user resistance to change through proactive and targeted engagement.

      Introduce and embed new behaviors and beliefs, to enable all levels of an organization to deliver desired business outcomes.

    • Management of Change: IT organizational change

      IT organizational change

      Reshape and enhance your IT organizational structure to build a basis for sustainable IT change.

      Align the IT organization to empower overall change readiness going forward.

    • Management of Change: Knowledge and skills

      Knowledge and skills

      Introduce and enrich the new skills and knowledge by leveraging our training portfolio and tailored learning solutions.

      Ensure new technologies deliver value to the business through accelerated adoption of new capabilities.

    MoC can help your remote workforce adjust to the "new normal"

    MoC can help your remote workforce adjust to the "new normal"

    The pandemic lockdown has forced employees all over the world to work remotely—from home or other safe locations. A couple of months into the lockdown, a growing number of organizations—throughout various industries—announced that staff will only return to offices in limited numbers and that large parts of the workforce will continue to work remotely, creating hybrid teams.

    Employees can succeed at work while in a hybrid setup

    Working remotely on a full-time basis requires adaptation; for example, collaboration, communication, leadership and self-management tend to be more difficult. In response to this "new normal," HPE Management of Change Services has developed an offering to support organizations with remote work environments. The new offering addresses all components of the workforce and uses proven Management of Change tools to implement and optimize remote work environments.

      Success stories

      Explore how companies like yours have successfully partnered with HPE Management of Change for their skills training and services during times of change.
      • Porsche Informatik

        Porsche Informatik

        Porsche Informatik has been shaping the future of the automotive trade for over 50 years. The company operates in over 27 countries as an IT service provider for both Porsche Holding and the VW Group. Porsche Informatik develops software and is responsible for the smooth operation of IT applications.

        The company wanted to create a modern work environment so that employees could work from anywhere, while making no compromises related to security and usability. In response, the "Digital Workplace" was introduced with a focus on ensuring international collaboration among employees.

        By leveraging our holistic approach, and, most importantly, HPE Management of Change Services, the Digital Workplace was implemented successfully within Porsche Informatik.

      • HSBC


        As one of the world’s largest banking and financial organizations, HSBC has over 4,000 offices around the world. This far-reaching and agile company requires innovative and reliable technology so that colleagues can connect, collaborate, and communicate with one another and with customers. After relying on IBM Notes (formerly IBM Lotus Notes) for nearly 15 years, HSBC recognized the need to upgrade to a more current solution to improve productivity and meet the demands of a modern workforce.

        After careful evaluation, HSBC partnered with HPE to migrate more than 270,000 mailboxes worldwide, leveraging HPE Management of Change Services designed to help prepare and support people through technology change, with minimal disruption and risk.

      Why use management of change services?

      Digital transformation requires extra effort from your employees. By keeping your transformation goals in mind while still focusing on the human element, MoC ensures that your project stays on schedule and on budget. Don't become one of these statistics—let MoC guide your digital journey.


      average cost over-run in 1 in 6 projects1


      1 in 6 projects overrun schedule by


      billion US annual economy loss due to failed IT projects3


      of IT execs believe their IT projects are "doomed from the start"4


      of transformation projects fail to achieve their goals5

      How can we help?

      Need assistance with course selection or have general questions? We’re here to help!
      Our experts can answer your questions about course schedules and arrange customized training solutions for your business.

      1Why your IT project may be riskier than you think," Harvard Business Review, September 2011.

      3The cost of bad project management," Gallup, February 2012.

      5Changing change management," McKinsey & Company, July 2015.