HPE Right Start Knowledge Bundles
Important update about HPE Right Start Knowledge Bundles

We're streamlining our training catalog to better serve your learning needs. As of Nov 20, 2024, HPE Right Start Knowledge Bundles will no longer be available as a packaged offering.
The good news: All courses previously included in the bundles remain available for individual purchase. This à la carte approach gives you more flexibility to:
- Select exactly the courses you need
- Learn at your own pace
- Customize your learning journey
What does this mean for you? Don't worry—you'll maintain access to your course materials for the duration of your subscription period.
Ready to explore our individual course offerings?
- Visit our home page to browse the complete catalog
- Explore the content available with HPE Digital Learner
- Contact our learning solutions team to discuss your specific training needs
Thank you for your continued trust in our training solutions.
How can we help?
Need assistance with course selection or have general questions? We’re here to help!
Our experts can answer your questions about course schedules and arrange customized training solutions for your business.
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Web: Course schedule
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Web: How to buy
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